Organ console reconditioning takes special care. At Foley-Baker, we have carefully reconditioned historic consoles as well as fit others with all new electronic switching systems.
Modern electronic switching systems provide many desirable features for today’s organists. The capabilities of systems installed by Foley-Baker include multi-level combination action, record/playback functions, MIDI, automatic transposing and a wide array of other options. Each system is meticulously hand-wired, organized, and labeled to make for easy and quick service in the future.
Although every piece of an organ should shine, consoles are particularly important from a visual standpoint. Refinishing and reconditioning a console requires special attention to wood type, grain orientation, color, etc. Foley-Baker’s team of refinishers can take even the most weathered consoles and make them like new again.
Foley-Baker has also built custom practice consoles for clients. These smaller consoles are spartan in their design, but are much more portable than their full-size counterparts.
Christ Church, Red Hook, Relay Upgrade

First Congregational Church, Chatham Console and Relay Upgrade