First Presbyterian Church, Lynchburg, VA

Starting life as a three manual, 35 rank organ, this Moller was installed at First Presbyterian Church, Lynchburg, VA in April of 1952.  The church’s organist at the time was Bernard Williamson.  In 1979, Moller was commissioned to build and install an Antiphonal organ of 5 ranks and that division remains, essentially unchanged.  In 1991, Moller was again engaged to releather the organ plus make some tonal modifications which included the addition of higher pitched stops. Sadly, Moller went out of business shortly after work was completed.

In 2021, Foley-Baker was contracted to completely overhaul the instrument. Tonally and structurally, the clock was set back.  The tonal spectrum was re-cast to deliver a modern, bold, and brilliant all-American sound.  Moller’s leather-filled pitman chests were be replaced as possible with modern, greatly leather-free sliders.  Far more space efficient, these chests make for a more service-friendly instrument.  A new, reduced height console with built-in casters includes all standard modern features.

Special thanks to organist Cory Whittier!